It's been a year since Harry and I are dating, their fans have become accustomed to our dating, so much so that I even ask for autographs and have many followers on twitter.
Harry is all good, I feel safe with him, oh how I love this boy with green eyes and curls.
We were talking a little square when it comes Drika, forgot to tell you, I hate the Drika, I'm sure she wants to ma separate from Harry, she became a little there and soon it was still good.
Harry: What is love?
Me: nothing, just do not like the Drika.
Harry: jealous?
I: is not jealous, it's just not like her.
Harry: I know.
He pulled me close to him and started a calm and gentle kiss, then went back to talking.
Harry: I knew that I love you too?
I: No, I know, u or spoke it to me today.
Harry: I LOVE YOU (he spoke screaming).
I: Now yes. I LOVE HARRY STYLES (spoken screaming).
As Harry was silly on my side and I the same, just a stone's nothing hit his head and he falls to the ground unconscious, the boy who threw the stone ran out, I was desperate, I called an ambulance, then she came and went quickly to the hospital, arriving there took him to one room for the boys turn solve that soon arrived.
Liam: what happened yourname? Like it is? (Said hugging me).
Me: nah know, took him to the room (told me shedding tears, I could not even think about missing it).
Louis: lime yourname, everything will be OK.
Soon the boys and I took a group hug.
**: Who is responsible for the patient's Harry Styles?
Me: I'm his girlfriend Doctor, how is he? Says he's fine (I spoke desperate).
Doctor: ta calm him well, just took a hit, but suffered nothing.
Me: I can see you Doctor?
Doctor: Of course, but only a little, because he needs rest.
Then the doctor took me to where Harry was, I only went because it could only get one pessoa.Abri the door and he was asleep, so the doctor leaves leaving me alone with him.
I: Harry my love, I'll never leave you, I will always be by your side (said taking in her hand and kissing her forehead).
Step a few seconds admiring when he starts to wake up.
Me: hi my love (I said giving him a stamp).
Harry: Who are you? (Spoke confusing).
I, as well, I am his girlfriend (spoken scared).
Harry: I do not remember you, in fact I do not remember anything, where am I?
What he said hurt me so much.
I: u is in the hospital.
Soon I hear the door open, was the doctor, he says that Harry has lost his memory, I can not believe the careers out there, I could see Zayn come after me.
Drika On:
As I like Harry, I mean the fame of him, talked with him a bit today and with his girlfriend without salt.
Spent a few hours, call the pro Niall to know Harry and I got the news that he is in the hospital and out of memory, that great news, now have a plano.Fui straight to the hospital, he had no shame paparazzi there, after very insisting I entered the room where Harry was, and went alone, great.
Harry: Who are you? (Spoke scared).
Me: cool, I'll explain all my love.
Harry: Love how so? Spent a lovely girl here saying it was my girlfriend.
Me: she lied, she sucks, u just want the fame, since I really love you, do you believe in me?
Harry: I do not know, so confused.
After I explain much he just understood my explanation false.
Harry: So, my girlfriend, u are so beautiful.
Me: I know (spoken and then we kissed).
You On:
I could not believe that Harry did not remember our love, I know it's not his fault, but I was really upset, so I sat on a bench a little away from the hospital and started chorar.Logo Zayn approaches.
Zayn: What was small? Because they ran out?
Me: Harry, Zayn he lost his memory and does not remember anything.
Zayn: relaxes small, u tried to talk to him?
I: no.
Zayn: ta seeing, going out and talking to him, I'm sure he will remember and you're beautiful, there's no way any kid be enchanted.
Me: Thank you Zayn, u are right, I'll talk to him and even if he does not remember me I'll recapture it.
Zayn: This is it, now wipes her tears and goes.
I hugged Zayn, wiped the tears and went toward hospital.Fui going towards Harry's room, the boys were strange with a weird face, finally did not care, when I opened the door I came across a scene that really I never expected to see in my life, Drika kissing Harry, she was practically on top of him, he took her body as if wishing it, my heart, I thought he would stop, my face started to get wet, because I wept much, our the person I love grabbing a girl when they noticed my presence immediately stopped, he looked happy, it only increased my pain.
I: Harry.
Harry: get out of here, you is not my girlfriend, bitch.
Me: do not talk like that, I'm his girlfriend, u do not remember the pique niques we had, the beaches we went, we made the trips, the dinners that took me vc, our nights of love, u remember?
Drika: do not listen to what she's talking about love.
Harry: u want me to separate the Drika, u only want me for fame, get out.
I: Harry ... more
Harry: nothing, get out now.
Rushes away, did not want to ever look at Harry's face.
After 3 months
I was happier, but I know I'll never forget Harry, because I love you I love you forever, Zayn had invited me to go home the boy, at the time refused but then accepted when he said that Harry and Drika had traveled.
I just got it going, it was too long for the boys.
Me: hi guys, minos! (I said opening the door).
Niall: oie yourname (said hugging me).
Me: hi nini
Louis: hi small
Me: hi Lou.
Liam: hi princess
Me: hi daddy (laugh).
Zayn: hi sapeka
I: oie Zayn!
We took a group hug.
Me: I was really missing you guys.
Niall: agent also.
Liam: what about we watch a movie?
Louis: what?
Liam: Toy Story!
Zayn: it could only be (laugh).
Me: ah, we let him (talked hugging), Liam puts the movie I'll make popcorn.
Niall: I help.
We make popcorn and we went back to the living room to watch the movie, when suddenly the middle of the movie's front door opens, and Harry was Drika.
Harry: What's she doing here? (Said pointing at me).
Me: you guys did not talk they had gone traveling?
Louis: and had, what happened to Harry?
Harry: the road was blocked right love (kissing spoke in front of me).
Me: Well I'm going now, do not wanna be here even another second (talked through it).
Drika: wait!
I: What is
Drika: I need to say something, I mean Harry and me, u will know it.
I: talks soon
Drika: Harry and I are getting married right love?
Me and the Boys: what?
Harry: That's right you guys heard, I love Dtika and want to marry her (spoke to sealing) and will be tomorrow.
I: be happy (I said closing the door).
I started running, a car almost hits me, but the words of Harry does not get out of my head "I love Drika and want to marry her," I needed to forget it, I decided to go back to Brazil, forget him once, talked to Zayn by phone and told him everything, he was sad but understood.
Morning came and with it the sadness to be leaving in a few hours knowing that the love of my life was getting married, packed my bags and went to get ready:
I took a taxi and went to the airport, the boys would meet her to say goodbye when it arrived the boys were already.
Zayn: is this what u want? [
Me: Zayn is yes.
Zayn: what do you know?
Me: I really miss the guys boys.
They: agent also
We took a group hug.
Soon they were gone and I was waiting for the call to board.
Harry On:
A few months ago I was in hospital, I had lost my memory, I think she came back, there was a girl who said she was my girlfriend, she was lovely, but the Drika, my real girlfriend, said she was lying and that only wanted to know of my fame, right Ilário realized that I'm famous, ours is very good.
He spent a few months and I will marry Drika, amsnhã me case.
Today is the wedding day I am so excited as well, do not know why que.Comecei to feel pains in the head and ran some pictures of shows, I think before I had taken the blow, I thought my memory had returned by complete, but I guess not.
I arrived at the church and stood at the altar waiting for Drika, several guests arriving all the time, and the boys had just arrived, they seemed strange with crying face, they came closer to me, greeted me and went to the place of the sponsors, each with its companion.
I start listening to a song well known, was the Drika entering the church, so the guests stood up and started looking at her and she was beautiful.
Again I feel a pain in my hillock, take my hand to her and start to remember that charming girl, when I tried to conquer it, our first kiss in the car:
Those picnics checkered tablecloth that I took it, it was good:
is good:
Travel, especially Paris and Rome:
Logo feel someone wake me from my beautiful thoughts, Zayn was:
Zayn: vc ta good guy?
I: to yes.
The Drika was already halfway over and started back memories that I had missed before, but now I was recovering:
Beginning to remind me of the beaches we went, we played in the water:

We played sand in each other, we kissed in love:

Came the memory of the dinners that took:

Again I come back to reality and see the Drika approaching increasingly.
Soon the memories came back with a huge pain in the head, this time the nights of love we had, as I was happy, our bodies fit together perfectly
Ai came the memory of when we were in the square dating, exchanging vows of love and I feel a pain in my head, then sigh and out of my thoughts:
Drika: hi love (spoke approaching, kissing me and just turned my face).
The ceremony begins:
Father: Drika, u Harry Edward Styles accepts as her husband?
Drika: yes, I accept.
Father: Harry, vc Drika accepts as his wife?
I: no.
All the guests were amazed, the paparazzi started taking pictures and realized that the boys were laughing.
Drika: how not to love, I think u made a mistake.
I: Drika not, I did not cheat, I do not love you, I will not marry u.
Drika: but ...
Me: nothing, my memories returned, and with them came the certainty that only want me for my fame, I LOVE A WOMAN THAT IS THE yourname, it is at that moment that I will seek to apologize.
Drika: want to know that's right, you just wanted the money.
Father: My daughter ...
Drika: i wish u and yourname are unhappy together.
She left the church running, I headed towards the boys:
I, we, you guys know where yourname is? (I said breathlessly).
Niall: and expensive, too late (said putting his hand on my shoulder).
I, like so too late?
Louis: I'm sorry.
I: What happened to her? (Spoken worried).
Liam: is calm.
I: speak soon.
Zayn: she left to Brazil.
Me: how so?
They told me everything that I did with her, as I went our ass.
I: our face.
Niall: vc is took heavy.
I: her flight already left?
Zayn: missing 20 minutes if u leave now, I think I still ...
Nor waited for him to finish and ran to the car, I was almost there, when I stop in the middle of a traffic jam, missing 10 minutes, leave the car running to the airport, arrive missing a minute, a woman stopped and asked:
Me: girl.
She: I do not believe there.
Me: I give autograph after what u want, but you know if the flight has already left for Brazil? (I said panting and desperate, could not lose it).
She: this coming out now, passengers are getting on the plane.
Rushes ...
You On:
I sat waiting for the flight, then the time came and I boarded the plane, everyone was inside, I was thinking that this time Harry already married to Drika.
When I hear a person hoarsely, speaking on the plane, I got up, looked pros sides and could not see who was speaking:
**: Yourname, I know I messed up.
Wait, was the voice of Harry!
He starts singing the chorus of the favorite song:
And then I saw him coming toward me in the hallway, he carried a bouquet of red roses, my favorite:
I started crying, I did not know what to say.
He: and then u forgive me?
Me: what u think, that with a bouquet and you singing one of my favorite songs I'd forgive you? (I said catching the bouquet and giving to a woman who was sitting, she was very happy).
He: not really, but it's a start right?
Me: I do not know Harry (said going toward my chair).
He: please yourname (said holding my arm, I ended up turning to face him).
Me: what Harry?
He: listen.
I: u have 1 minute.
He: I just need a second e seven letters I LOVE YOU!
I: Harry!
He: I know I messed up, you're mistreated, they called you ugly words, plus that was not me, I had lost my memory, I know that's no excuse, and I do not want it, so I'm here asking forgiveness, everyone is entitled to a second chance, I know now I'm calling, but does not want to miss it for the world, when I heard that u were leaving to Brazil, my heart sank and I came running over here Please forgive me, I'm crazy over you, I LOVE YOU yourname (spoke kneeling and screaming).
The staff was the plane began to ask me to forgive him.
I, Harry, will give rises (said the raising of the floor).
He: forgive me? (Said with that pretty face).
Me: Of course I forgive you, I LOVE HARRY (spoken screaming).
In closer and closer, he grabbed at my neck, making our bodies sticking, I touch your face gently, he cracked a grin and I could see his dimples forming along with a beautiful smile, as he is perfect, our lips were leaning a little bit, a peck, he asks me to pass deepen the kiss and I early on, that kiss was that he was different from all the demos that was the best of all, it goes down her soft hands to my waist and I put mine on his neck, grabbing her beautiful curls gently, was a passionate kiss, to miss, as I missed him, I could hear a lot of clapping, laughed from the kiss, we fit perfectly, he explored every corner of my mouth we were slowing the kiss, giving baby kisses, he says:
Him: that I miss u small (said brushing a strand of my hair to fall).
Me: I also felt her very much (said smiling).
He: stay with me forever? want to have children with you, I always wake up, look to the side and u see me, I want to mention that I LOVE every minute of my existence, want to marry you, stay with me FOREVER?
Me: Of course I'm with you. FOREVER.
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