I arrived home yet silly, thinking it would weekend joins Harry, seeing him every day when you wake up, see that beautiful smiling forming, her green eyes looking at me, his voice hoarse echoing in my mind. I sat on the couch when my phone rings, it was, I had arrived safely pertou (ownn) and said that tomorrow was going to a beach house with the boys, he asked me to go along, to spend a week with him, this would be the final week. I said I would and hung up the phone, I spent all day thinking about how this week would, if it would work or not, I had to try, take a chance on us ... How nighted had decided to go to sleep because tomorrow we would leave early, went to sleep thinking about her beautiful dimples when a gorgeous smile formed on his face ...
Me: It's beautiful this place. - Spoke in awe of the place, with the house, we had just arrived. -
Harry: I'm glad you liked it. - Exited the car and went to get my bags, but he insisted on picking them up myself, I had to give. -
We went inside the house that was really huge, as well as outside, the room was huge, I climbed the stairs behind Harry carrying my bags and he took me to a room, put my bags in it, was lovely and large, was perfect. Harry left the bags on the bed and kissed me, I did not like not giving in, his tongue explored my mouth, stop by shortness of breath and he split, gave a shy smile.
He: sorry, was stronger than me.
Me: I liked it okay.
He: this week will be the best you ever had. - Said touching my hair as he stared into my eyes. -
Me: I have no doubt about that. - Cracked a grin. -
He: You're perfect, perfect for me. - And once again we kissed, I felt her hands on my waist as mine were in her hair stroking. -
I: What do we do?
He: I hope the evening at the beach. - Gave me a peck and left, he would not be in my room, said he wanted to respect me. -
I went to my bag and looked for a simple and comfortable clothes to go to the beach at night. It was getting dark, because the journey here had lasted a few hours, where the same vim asleep on Harry's shoulder who also slept and rested his head on mine. Get out of my reverie and put a blouse, shorts and an all star, tucked my hair into a ponytail and did light makeup, down the stairs for the night had arrived, the boys were on the couch except Harry, of course must be on the beach.
Me: good night! - Ending talked down the stairs and getting close boys watching something on Tv -
They: good night.
Louis: Where are you?
I, on the beach.
Zayn: the Hazza also ok la.
Liam: Zayn swears?
Niall: You and Harry ...?
I: No, agent does not return, we are only close to each other, enjoying the week, who knows if it is good ...
Louis: just beware.
I: can leave Lou.
I spoke and leaves home, she was not so far from the beach, in a matter of minutes had arrived in the same, smell the sea, the waves batento with each other, playing sand on my feet were bare now because I took the shoe and placed on the floor. Harry looked around the beach and did not find him ...
I: Harry? ta you there? - I was surprised when I lost sight of the sea, someone had placed his hands on my eyes hindering them to see who it was. -
He: guess what? - Felt his hoarse voice in my ear, I felt a chill good. -
I: Harry?
He: hit. - He took his hands from my eyes and I could see again, I saw a red rose in front of me, I felt the touch of Harry in my waist. - For you.
Me: Thank you. - I took the rose, he abroçou behind me and kissed my neck. -
Him, thought he had forgotten me?
I: thought. - Spoke just listening to our voices, without looking in the Harry stood behind me, hugging me strong. -
He: I'll never forget this week I'm going with you, I will never forget you.
Me: I also will never forget you.
He: how about we play a little. - Bit my ear. -
I: It depends ...
He: we bet so you get your pick you will have to enter the water.
Me: not Harry, please do not.
He: it is not guaranteed?
I, of course, I assure you.
He: and then? ...
Me: okay, but what if you can not catch me, if you get bored soon?
He: it is impossible, but if you can I stay with you forever.
Me: Forever?
He: always. - Turned to him. -
Me: ok, closed. - Made a greeting with his hand. - Now close your eyes.
He: what for?
I: ué, must be taken away from you.
Him, unfortunately.
I: will close your eyes.
He: okay bossy. - He closed his eyes and took away. - Can?
I: Can. - Yelled out already. -
He came running towards me, as I tried to go faster, I could not stop smiling, was as good a time. Sometimes he looked behind to see if he was around and came back to run, when I looked back I saw him again very close until el managed to pick me up and just lying on the ground due to the impact, my body was on top of it .. .
I: so not worth, now you will not stay with me forever.
He: and who said it?
I: the bet. - He pasted over me, I was looking at those eyes that glowed at night. -
He: It will not be a bet that will tell you what we should not do.
Me: does that mean?
He: mean having bet or not I already am your forever.
Me: I have also noticed something.
He: what?
Me: I do not need a week to know how I feel about you and what you feel for me.
Him: that means?
Me: I mean I know you changed, you did not have a week but just a day, a look, a moment.
He: this means that you forgive me? you believe me? you are me, my only?
I: yes, that means I forgave because I felt truth in your words, yes, I believe in you, why would not believe the person I love most? and yes i am only yours.
He: You do not know how much is making me happy.
Me: I know, I know because your happiness is mine, your pain is my, your anguish is mine, your love is mine.
He: together forever?
I, together and forever.
He: I still Love You.
Me: I also still Love You.
I: Te Amo too.
Me: I love you.
I felt his lips touching mine quietly, he relented and asked passage without thinking twice, I was petting her hair, as her hands were on my waist, that time should be forever, as we'll be together, FOREVER!
For those who only speaks in a week is necessary to know or to understand if there is still love, if your great love is telling the truth, lose seven days a week. The week has seven days, you lose those seven days doubting, questioning, wondering if it's worth it, but if you look closely, in one day you can do it all, because a day has 24 hours and 24 hours is 1440 minutes and 1440 minutes is 86400 seconds, 86400 six times now calculates, would 518400 seconds you lost just wondering, questioning and even doubting. See if one day only you can decide, why waste six days, losing seconds, minutes, hours, shifts, days can be bad, because if in one day you already knew what she wanted, would have much longer hours would , minutes and seconds longer with the person you LOVE ...
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