Woke up in the morning early. Looked around and saw Harry sleeping like a perfect angel, then I remembered the incident that started last night, I have to get out of here as quickly as possible, it can not wake up and see me here. Get out of bed quietly and noiselessly, took my hands and jump out of the room without him percebese. I went downstairs and grabbed my bag that had been on the couch ...
XX: YourName? What are you doing here? - I looked and it was Louis, sighed with relief that it was not Harry. - It will not tell you and Hazza ... - Malocioso smiled. -
Me: That? Never, never again depend on me.
Louis: And slept here?
Me: Because he asked me to bring him home because he was not able to come alone, and eventually he asked me to sleep with him, but nothing happened too.
Louis: What a shame.
I: Penalty? But it was you yourself who said I had to meet new people, have fun?
Louis: Yeah, but you LOVE Harry, for that escape this feeling?
Me: I do not know what you mean.
Louis: He still did not wake up right? Do you think he will not remember.
I: And why would remember yesterday?
XX: Maybe because it was special. - I saw Harry coming down the stairs, already had an outfit in your body. -
I: To whom?
He: For me, to you ...
I: It may have been up to you, but to me it was nothing special.
He: How many times do I have to ask you apologize?
Me: I'm not asking you to apologize to me, I just want you to leave me in peace, our past is left behind no return. - Louis tried with the look and the same was not in the room, I'll kill him. I put my heel and threw the bag on the couch again-
He: I'm not so sure.
Me: Say this for you.
He: I Love You YourName. - When I realized he was in front of me, staring at me deeply, I got lost in your eyes. -
Me: Do not say something you do not feel this word is too precious to talk so lip service.
He: And who said it lip service?
I: Is not it?
He: No. It is not. I Love You Girl, love like never loved anyone.
I am no longer that young girl whose when you spoke I believed it at the same time, it does not stick with me the most, for many girls have you said that in?
Him: You know YOU are the first and ONLY.
Me: I do not know anything.
He: You will never forget what I did right?
I: It is expected do not you think? You said you loved, who would stay with me forever, that would be one, but not all of these promises were to water down when you had me completely, as I gave myself to you completely, you were the first and only to today. After a few days you no longer spoke to me right away with everything and find you in bed with another, making love to each other, kissing and getting another, whatever I find? You are arrenpendido? - Felt tears dripping on my face, Damn! She was crying. -
He: And I am.
I: Very easy to say that.
He: I swear.
Me: No swearing and no promises what is not true.
He: I know I messed up, I was a dick, I lost you, I lost the most important person to me, I lost the love of my life. Should not have done that, do not know what got into me. After we had sex I felt dependent on you, I felt that I loved very much and that you were the girl of my life. That was a shock because I had never felt this for some girl, I was confused, dependent on you like a drug user dependent. You was my addiction and still is. I am totally yours, my heart is yours, do not try or give it to someone else, because it has already been taken, stolen by you. You're the girl of my life, the girl who'll take forever in my heart. - Why was he talking about it? Why was I deluding myself? I saw a tear run down his face, his eyes were teary, wanting to let more tears slide down her face, mine was not different, I love it, but still do not know, do not want to disappoint me again, do not want to suffer again, it would be too for me. -
I: Why do you say this? - My voice came out failure, I felt his hands touch mine, looked the same movements like him, a shiver ran through my body, his warm skin touching mine in a perfect connection. -
He: Why you inspire me. - Felt his voice hoarse whisper in my ear, shook hands. -
Me: Do not say it. - Shook my head, he touched our foreheads, we were looking in the eyes, staring, still with our hands steady and strong in each other -.
He: You are the reason.
I: For Harry, please. - My voice was a whisper. -
He: I know you love me, you still feel the same I feel for you, that you want us together, you want me on your side. - His voice also came out in a whisper, spoke in a whisper, staring at us, at any time without blinking. -
Me: I STILL LOVE YOU HARRY, I will not lie, I really want you near me ... - Via his eyes shed tears like mine. - I really want us together ...
He: And then? Just one more chance, I peopl, beg you, without you my world's a Damn! Is dull, is lifeless, colorless.
Me: I really wanted to believe that you changed.
He: I've changed, I swear.
Me: I do not know Harry ...
He: Give me a week gets me a week need not be kissing me is not want, I will not force you, but you'll see that I've changed, I've changed for you, by you.
Me: I do not know why I'm doing iss, but ...
He: But?
Me: My heart says to give you that chance ...
He: Is that a yes? - He opened a light and lovely smile, nodded still stuck to our foreheads. -
The will was greater, the desire was greatest love was bigger, I saw his eyes change direction and go towards my lips, I saw how much he wanted a kiss, also missed his kiss felt lack muuuuita also looked pros and felt his lips touch your nose with mine, shortly after making our lips relarem, just to feel our lips relando I already felt his heart racing like his, my hands felt his strongest, Our lips fit together in a perfect peck, held more firmly in your hand, how I miss those warm lips to mine, he asked me and I gave passage, slowly deepened the kiss, his hands were loosened mine and my waist, so like mine were around his neck, playing with her hair, as he missed his touch, his kiss, your sweet kiss, hot, intense, affectionate, his tongue explored every corner of my mouth as well as mine did not miss its nothing, we were slowing the kiss slowly and ended, again pasting our tests ...
He: How I miss that kiss.
Me: I also felt sorely missed.
Him: I love you much, much, much, you'll see that I'm going to change for you, you will see.
Me: I believe you. - Move away. -
It: I give you my word.
Me: I have to go ...
He: Then I'll call you to talk this week that we spend together.
Me: Ok
Him: Bye. - We smiled like fools. -
Me: Bye. - Before leaving I was surprised by a peck. -
Him: Bye.
Me: Bye.
Leaves his home totally sluggish and stupid, still thinking about the kiss, I really still love him, I never doubted it, Harry will always be the man of my life. I decided to give him a chance, a chance to find out if he really has changed, a week, a week ...
Continued ...
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